[book w/CD] FinalFantasy Solo Guitar Collections vol.3

20 Oct, 2024 up

lang. switch日本語lang. switch中文

arrangement, performance : Daisuke Minamizawa

Book (music score, TAB, diagram (finger board)) + audio CD

2024 edition (same content as the previously released edition)

[BSV direct]

***** NOTICE *****

Currently, due to COVID-19 and war, there are areas where shipments cannot be shipped from Japan. Before you place an order, please check the latest information on this page to see if your shipping destination has stopped receiving.


Orders from non-delivery areas will be refunded after deducting STRIPE fees.

If you have any questions, please contact me from the comment section at the bottom of the page.
(Comments will be published after approval.)

Please choose the one that matches your shipping area and make payment. 

  • For orders of two or more books, shipping costs will be slightly lower and a small amount will be refunded after payment is completed.
  • If the shipping area and payment do not match, the item cannot be shipped.
  • After your payment has been received, I will usually send you a confirmation email within 24 hours.
  • If you do not receive an email within 24 hours (please also check your spam folder), please contact me by clicking “Leave a comment” at the bottom of the purchased item page.


  1. Matoya’s Cave (FF I) | audio |
  2. Battle Scene 1 (FF II) | audio |
  3. Rebel Army Theme (FF II) | audio |
  4. Item Get (FF III) | audio |
  5. Rydia (FF IV) | audio |
  6. Lenna’s Theme (FF V) | audio |
  7. Clash on the Big Bridge (FF V) | audio | mov |
  8. One Day, for Certain (FF V) | audio |
  9. Kids Run Through The City Corner (FF VI) | audio | short mov |
  10. Cefca (FF VI) | audio | mov |
  11. Those Who Fight (FF VII) | audio | mov |
  12. Fanfare (FF VII) | audio |
  13. Fisherman’s Horizon (FF VIII) | audio |
  14. Battle 1 (FF IX) | audio |
  15. Village Of Dali (FF IX) | audio |
  16. You’re Not Alone (FF IX) | audio |
  17. Unrequited Love (FF IX) | audio |
  18. Jecht’s Theme (FF X) | audio |
  19. Good Night (FF X) | audio |
  20. Mog House (FF XI) | audio |
  21. Nap (FF XII) | audio |
  22. Lightning’s Theme (FF XIII) | audio |
  23. Noel’s Theme (FF XIII-2) | audio |
  24. Yakusoku no Basho (Japanese version of “New World”) (FF XIII-2) | audio |
  25. Zero (FF Type-0) | audio |

Related products ≪Final Fantasy≫
[sg] FF I : Town / End Theme *
[sg] FF II : Tower of the Magi * / Town
[sg] FF III : Chocobo Theme / Eternal Wind *
[sg] FF IV : Red Wings *
[sg] FF V : Clash on the Big Bridge / Main Theme of V *
[sg] FF VI : Locke’s Theme * / Searching for Friends
[sg] FF VII : Aerith’s Theme / Cosmo Canyon / JENOVA * / One-Winged Angel / Those Who Fight
[sg] FF VIII : Breezy * / Fisherman’s Horizon / Shuffle or Boogie
[sg] FF IX : Melodies Of Life / Roses of May / Vamo’alla Flamenco
[sg] FF X : A Fleeting Dream * / Auron’s Theme * / Suteki Da Ne [Isn’t It Wonderful?] / Zanarkand
[book w/CD] Final Fantasy Solo Guitar Collections : vol.1 / vol.2 / vol.3

( * : Not included in the book w/CD vol.1-3)

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  1. Marty


    Can you ship to Dublin, Ireland (EU)?

    I am interested in Final Fantasy Volume 1,2 & 3.
    Do you have the books available in English?

    Thank You!

    • bsvmusic


      Shipping from Japan to Ireland is currently available.

      There is no English version of the book, but I can give you the Japanese commentary in txt data. You can read this using a translation app.

      Best regards,
      Daisule Minamizawa

  2. Aurora


    Thank you for creating these arrangements. I’m a bit confused by the Japanese post website… Can you ship to Canada at the moment?

    I’d like to purchase all 3 Solo Guitar Final Fantasy collections if possible! Thanks!

    • bsvmusic

      Currently, the normal shipping method (e-packet) is not available for packages to Canada.
      Another shipping method (EMS) can be used, but the shipping cost is a little high.
      If you order 3 FF solo guitar collections, shipping by EMS will cost you 15398 yen (the total price of the items plus shipping).
      I can send you a PayPal invoice if you like.

      • Aurora

        Thanks for your reply! How about shipping to the USA, then? It looks like Air Mail is available. I live next to the USA border and could go pick it up at my friend’s house in the USA. Please let me know!

        I will buy all 3 FF solo guitar collections, plus I’d like to add the Dragon Quest Solo Guitar Collections as well. If you could send me a PayPal invoice for those 4 books, it would be great. Thanks!

        • bsvmusic


          If I send 4 books (3 FF books and “Dragon Quest Solo Guitar Collections”), the total cost of the items and shipping is: to the US: 20,297 JPY, to Canada: 18,879JPY. Shipping costs to the US are higher.
          Please choose whether to send to the US or Canada.

          Also, the “Dragon Quest Solo Guitar Collections” does not come with a CD (it is sold separately). Is that OK with you?

          • Aurora

            Thank you for the information. I’ll go with the cheaper option then, so Canada.

            It is fine if there is no CD for Dragon Quest, as I just need the book for that one. If you could send me a PayPal invoice with the 4 books that would be great! Where do I give you my address?

            Thanks so much!

  3. Luis Francisco Moreno Cisneros

    Hi, I love your work, can the shipment be delivered to Mexico? Thank you for your time, kind regards, Francisco.

    • bsvmusic

      Thank you for your comment.
      I can send books from Japan to Mexico. However, it seems to take longer than usual (I don’t know exactly how long it will take).
      Please order if you like.

  4. Alex

    I love FinalFantasy songs and your arrangements are amazing. Been checking Amazon for your books several times in then past year with little luck.

    Can you ship all three FF Collections to Austria (EU)?
    Is Vol3 the same price as 1&2?

    Some minor questions:
    Can you save shipping costs by sending them together?
    When will Vol3 be available again?

    best regards!

    • bsvmusic


      Thank you for sending comment.

      > Can you ship
      > to Austria (EU)?

      I can ship books from Japan to Austria.

      > When will Vol3 be available again?

      I don’t know…
      I’m sorry.

      > Can you save shipping costs by sending them together?

      You first buy at the regular price.
      The shipping discount due to the collective delivery will be refunded later.

      However, in the case of “FF Solo Guitar Collections”, due to the shipping method, only two books can be combined in one delivery.
      So if you buy 3 books at the same time, you will receive 2 packages (1 package in 2 books and another 1 package in 1 book). This is cheaper than sending three books in 1 package.

      So, if you want to buy three books, the discounted shipping cost is the same whether you order 2 books now and 1 later, or if you ship all 3 at the same time.

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